Bioinformatics Center Director

Dr. Susan J. Brown
University Distinguished Professor
Director K-INBRE Bioinformatics Core
Division of Biology
Kansas State University
Phone: (785) 532-6670
Email: sjbrown at ksu dot edu
Bioinformatics Center Associate Directors

Associate Professor
216 Nichols Hall
Department of Computing and Information Sciences
Kansas State University
Phone: (785) 532-7908
Email: dcaragea at ksu dot edu

Assistant Professor
Division of Biology
Kansas State University
Office: 239E Chalmers
Lab: 241 Chalmers
Manhattan, KS 66506
Office Phone: (785) 532-6149
Lab Phone: (785) 532-6153
Bioinformatics Specialists

Bioinformatics Specialist
Division of Biology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas 66506
Phone: (785)532-6347
Email: nanyan at ksu dot edu
Nanyan worked on microarray analysis and NGS analysis with GeneSpring.

Nic Herndon
Bioinformatics Specialist
Division of Biology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas 66506
Phone: (785)532-6347
Email: nherndon at
Nic currently uses NGS sequence data to "finish" the Tribolium castaneum Genome.
Former Bioinformatics Specialists / Outreach Coordinators
Jennifer Shelton
Bioinformatics Analyst
New York Genome Center
New York, NY
Jennifer creates tools and workflows to analyze sequence data.
Sanjay S Chellapilla

Hee Shin worked for two years in the K-State Bioinformatics group to annotate The T. Castaneum genome and develop a database using GMOD. At Baylor College of Medicine, he went on to contribute to the NIH Epigenomics Roadmap Initiative. Hee Shin is currently working at the Duke Center for Human Genome Variation. There he maintains next generation sequencing data analysis pipelines and develops innovative computational strategies for analyzing large datasets.

Liangjiang is now an Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Georgia. There he researches machine learning models for gene regulation and protein function prediction. His predictive models are made freely available to biologists on BindN, BindN+, and MuStab.

Youping Deng has moved to the University of Southern Mississippi. There he works on metabolic profiling of cancer cells and the signal transduction pathway of the adaptor protein PSM/SH2-B and its family members.
Graduate Student Alumni

Paul is developing a RNA-seq analysis pipeline and planning to use Tophat, Cufflinks, Cuffcompare, and Cuffdiff (when a reference genome is available) and Trinity, Tophat, Cufflinks, Cuffcompare, and Cuffdiff otherwise. Once this analysis is finished, the data is saved to a database so that Biologists can easily filter and query the RNA-seq results to find important information.

M.S. student, Computer Science

M.S. student, Computer Science
Jing's research at K-State focused on prediction of alternative splicing events. He has gone on to use computational biology to investigate microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNA (siRNAs) at Washington University in St. Louis. His research addresses the role of these RNAs in complex diseases including Alheimer's and psoriasis as well as stress response in rice.

M.S. student, Computer Science
At K-State he developed a novel Link Analysis based Concept Extractor (LACE) as an alternative to the common keyword based search approach. Swarnim currently works as a software engineer for the Cerner Corporation, a health care information technology systems supplier.

Vishwas Vaswani is now a Business Technology Analyst at Deloitte Consulting in Kansas City.

Swapnil used Textpresso (ontology based information retrieval and text-mining system) to mine for scientific literature for the organism 'Tribloium Castaneum'. He also developed the ontology for Tribolium Castaneum.

Her work primarily focuses on database construction and management, web tool development and maintenance, data quality control, and data analysis. She participated in the development of a web portal for the International Tribolium Genome project. Currently, she works at the bioinformaticist in the Division of Biostatistics at Washington University.

Martin worked on protein-protein interaction prediction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. He is now a programmer at the science and technology consulting service Tessella Inc.

At K-State she developed and implemented an algorithm for ontology engineering by extracting data from the web and developed a dimensionality reduction approach for the problem of DNA sequence classification. She currently works as a software engineer for the Cerner Corporation, a health care information technology systems supplier.

Karthik worked on Semi-supervised and Transductive Machine Learning Algorithms, Constraint Based Information Retrieval Techniques, Large Scale Data Processing and Monitoring. He also worked on the statistical analysis of the genomic sequences using PERL and R.
Dr. Alina Akhunova | Director of Gene Expression Facility Research Assistant Professor Department of Plant Pathology Kansas State University |
Dr. Jianfa Bai | Assistant Professor Department of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology College of Veterinary Medicine Kansas State University |
Dr. Gerald Reeck | Professor of Biochemistry Kansas State University |
Dr. Mike Kanost | University Distinguished Professor Department of Biochemistry Kansas State University |
Dr. Bill Wilson | Research Microbiologist Arthropod-Borne Animal Disease Research USDA Center for Grain and Animal Health Research |
Dr. Bradley Olson | Assistant Professor Division of Biology Kansas State University |
Dr. William H. Hsu | Associate Professor Department of Computing and Information Sciences Kansas State University |
Dr. Marce Lorenzen | Assistant Professor Department of Entomology North Carolina State University |
Dr. Kristin Michel | Assistant Professor Division of Biology Kansas State University |
Dr. Sanjeev Narayanan | Assistant Professor College of Veterinary Medicine Kansas State University |
Dr. Yoonseong Park | Associate Professor Department of Entomology Kansas State University |
Dr. Michael C. Smith | Professor Department of Entomology Kansas State University |
Dr. Haiyan Wang | Assistant Professor Department of Statistics Kansas State University |
Dr. Weiqun (George) Wang | Associate Professor Department of Human Nutrition Kansas State University |
Dr. Shie-Shien Yang | Professor Department of Statistics Kansas State University |
Dr.Youping Deng | Professor University of Southern Mississippi |
Dr. Liangjiang Wang | Assistant Professor Department of Genetics and Biochemistry Clemson University |
Former Collaborators
Dr. Richard Beeman | Research Entomologist US Grain Marketing Research Lab and Department of Entomology Kansas State University |
Dr. Robin Denell | University Distinguished Professor Division of Biology Kansas State University |
Dr. James C. Nelson | Associate Professor Department of Plant Pathology Kansas State University |